Our Story

We believe that leadership is a lifestyle that’s lived, not a position that’s given.

CATALYST has evolved from many years of helping individuals and teams to become leaders who transform their sphere of influence and multiply their impact beyond themselves.
Using a number of coaching tools and processes, all in the context of relationship, we have apprenticed, trained and empowered thousands of leaders, churches, denominations and organisations to live fruitful Kingdom lives that change the world for good.
We have worked with a variety of people in numerous contexts and countries. We have nine regional teams and multiple training partners who are training in over 30 different countries across the globe.
We are contextualised, local expressions of shared principles – local hubs which express a core DNA.
From missionaries around the dinner table to CEOs around the conference table. From Workshops in Edinburgh to Learning Communities in Melbourne.  From church planters in Amsterdam to small group leaders in Nairobi. From coaching calls across the globe to conversations over coffee.
Our hope and heart is to see movements of missional discipleship across the globe, looking for the opportunity to partner with people of peace in a region and coach them to become spiritual parents for the work in their land.